Why a
Resealable Can?

Aluminum cans are already infinitely recyclable but have always had one glaring feature missing… Resealability 

Other resealable can technologies have been developed but, are either prohibitively expensive, not fully resealable, contain plastic components, or a combination of all three. 

It’s All About
the LOOP

Aluminum contributes to a circular economy. 75% of all aluminum EVER created is still in circulation today! 

Aluminum is infinitely recyclable, meaning it does not lose value in recycling.

The Most Recycled Packaging

Aluminum cans are recycled at higher rates than any other beverage container (~70% globally) and at more than twice the rate of PET (plastic) bottles! 


The Power
of Cans

  • Recycling aluminum saves 95% of the energy required to make primary aluminum.1
  • Recycled aluminum is far more profitable than PET and glass.2
  • Aluminum cans are lightweight and stack efficiently, helping brands and manufacturers reduce emissions from transportation.
  • It takes just 60 days for a used beverage can (UBC) to be recycled and transformed into a new can.3
  • 1Source: The Aluminum Association 2024
  • 2Source: Cancentral: Recycling Rate Roadmap – Page 7
  • 3Source: Novelis: Beverage Packaging

The Power
of Cans

  • The average recycled contents in today’s aluminum beverage cans is ~70%.1
  • CanReseal® could be the first aluminum can made of 100% recycled content.
  • CanReseal® helps reduce waste by enabling product portioning.
  • CanReseal® enables cans to be sold as pre-filled cartridges, meaning less work for consumers!
  • 1Source: The Aluminum Association & Can Manufacturers Institute

Join the Movement for

The Future of Sustainable Packaging™

Ready to make a difference? Choose CanReseal® for a more sustainable tomorrow. Help reduce waste and protect the environment with our innovative, all-metal packaging solution! Fill out the form below to show your support for The Future of Sustainable Packaging™!